Senior Lifestyle Blog

Downsizing checklist for caregivers and parents

Financial Health

For adult children, “the financial conversation” is one of the most difficult aspects of changing the living situation of their parents. Discussions about money can be fraught with anticipated conflict, and although the conversation itself…

women smiling in hallway

National Nursing Home Week

Walk into a nursing home in your community and you’re likely to see a mixture of staff, residents, family members and volunteers. They might be engaged in activities, listening to live music, or preparing to…

watering plants

Helping Is Healthy

Every day across America, volunteers can be found sharing their time and talents with their communities, supporting causes they find worthwhile, and providing aid to those in need. On April 20th, Volunteer Recognition Day, Senior…

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For more information on retirement and senior housing options, reach out to a Senior Lifestyle community near you.
