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By Senior Lifestyle | August 25, 2017
One of the most difficult aspects of providing care for a loved one is dealing with the need for occasional breaks in care. Whether those breaks are dictated by the caregiver’s need for time off…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 25, 2017
One of the most difficult aspects of providing care for a loved one is dealing with the need for occasional breaks in care. Whether those breaks are dictated by the caregiver’s need for time off…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 23, 2017
Remember camping as a kid? Whether you went to a day-camp or sleepaway camp, rode in an RV with your grandparents, or just pitched a tent in the backyard, it was an adventure! You might…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 22, 2017
Senior Lifestyle is proud to share the philosophy and goals of the Alzheimer’s Association and proud of our designation as a Global Team. The Longest Day event, which took place in June across America, provided…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 18, 2017
Anyone who has owned a pet knows that coming home after a rough day and sharing quality time can help melt the stress away, but did you know that there are health benefits associated with…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 16, 2017
At Remington House, a Senior Lifestyle community just east of Atlanta, hospitality is a way of life. From the moment guests enter the beautifully appointed senior community, a warm and welcoming atmosphere surrounds them. A…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 14, 2017
August is back-to-school month, with children returning to class and young adults leaving for college. August is also National Immunization Awareness Month, an opportunity for people of all ages to make sure they are protected…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 11, 2017
At Southern Plantation in Georgia, hospitality is a way of life. Residents enjoy the proximity to Atlanta and all it offers, as well as the comfortable, serene atmosphere of the Loganville area. Respect for the…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 07, 2017
Here at Senior Lifestyle, we think that, of all the awesome holidays in August, Friendship Day may in fact be our favorite! We like this holiday so much that we feel it should be Friendship…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 04, 2017
Much like the residents they care for, the team members at The Atrium at Boca Raton are a fascinating group of people! With hobbies that range from falconry to scuba diving to motorcycle riding, the…
By Senior Lifestyle | August 02, 2017
Most people have strong feelings about the place they call home, often describing home as a state of mind rather than a physical place. At Senior Lifestyle, we wholeheartedly agree! The elements that make a…
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