Senior Lifestyle Blog

Island Shores Holiday Party

Preventing Holiday Falls

At Senior Lifestyle, we understand that the holidays can be a bit stressful. If you’re hosting a holiday get-together, you are most likely contemplating the menu, the planning, the shopping, and the cleaning as you…

girl smiling

Alzheimer’s Education for Kids

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, the news can be devastating for families. At Senior Lifestyle, we understand that for families with young children, the impact of…


Give the Gift of Time

Are you struggling to find the perfect thoughtful-yet-practical holiday gift for an aging parent, grandparent or loved one? At Senior Lifestyle we understand that buying gifts for seniors can be a challenge. If your loved…

preparing food

A ‘Presidential’ Sandwich Shop

Lunch at Presidential Place, a Senior Lifestyle community in Hollywood, Florida, has become a much-anticipated event, with residents lining up for a buffet-style “sandwich shop” and enjoying hand-crafted creations prepared exactly to their specifications. Like…


Remembering Pearl Harbor

Many residents in our Senior Lifestyle communities across the country have remarkable memories of the events leading up to World War II. The attack on Pearl Harbor is an especially vivid memory for most, with…

woman buttering toast

Beyond Bingo

In 1929, Edwin S. Lowe created the modern version of the game we know as Bingo, but a similar game has been played in Europe since the 1500s. Easy to learn and play, Bingo has…

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Sales & Marketing in Senior Living

Sales and marketing in the senior housing market is a fulfilling career for many reasons, not the least of which is forging a relationship with seniors and their families. The manner of transition to senior…

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For more information on retirement and senior housing options, reach out to a Senior Lifestyle community near you.
