Senior Lifestyle Blog

sitting ladies

National Healthcare Decisions Day

For many families, a conversation about advanced care planning doesn’t happen until a health crisis occurs, leaving family members unsure of their loved one’s wishes. While this conversation can be difficult, it is an important one. At Senior…

on a walk with granddaughter

Parkinson’s Disease

April is Parkinson’s disease Awareness Month, and at Senior Lifestyle we’d like to take the opportunity to share information about the disease, its symptoms and treatments. According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, about a million people…


The Longest Day

Time flies when you’re having fun, and The Longest Day is all about fun for a worthy cause. Around the country and around the world, teams will participate in events, raise awareness, and donate funds to the fight against…


The Caregiver Crunch

Providing care for a family member is a big responsibility, one no family member is ever truly prepared for. At Senior Lifestyle we often speak with families who are in what we call the caregiver…

woman in lifejacket

Stress Awareness Month

Stress: it’s all about how you handle it. When not managed properly, stress is responsible for a host of problems, from gastric issues like indigestion to depression and eating disorders. April is Stress Awareness Month, the perfect…

family talking over papers

Avoid Scams at Tax Time

As April approaches, many think of spring in bloom, April showers, and maybe even Opening Day for baseball season, but there’s no denying it and no avoiding it, tax time is here as well. For…

Green Oaks Exterior Front

The Sheridan at Green Oaks

A visitor’s first glimpse of The Sheridan at Green Oaks is an impressive and memorable one. The community’s main entrance encompasses a stunning view of the central courtyard as well as a fireplace that provides…


National Sleep Awareness Month

Sleep. It’s one of the few things we absolutely can’t live without, but also something most of us rarely think about and rarely get enough of. According to the National Sleep Foundation, at least 40…

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