Senior Lifestyle Blog


National Skilled Nursing Care Week

It’s National Skilled Nursing Care Week, and at Senior Lifestyle we want to celebrate the dedicated, compassionate caregivers who team members each skilled nursing community and provide continued care to our residents. Established in 1967 by the American Health Care…

Housekeeper Helping a Senior

Nurse’s Week

We’re celebrating National Nurses Week at Senior Lifestyle and we hope you’ll join us in honoring the men and women for whom caring is as much a calling as a profession. Nursing team members at each Senior Lifestyle…


Arthritis Awareness Month

May is National Arthritis Awareness Month, a time to learn more about this condition that affects 1 in 5 adults in America, a number that includes many of those we serve at Senior Lifestyle. According to the Arthritis Foundation, this debilitating disease is…


The Social Scene

At Senior Lifestyle, we understand that for many, social interaction is a basic part of everyday life, but we also know that for some seniors, socialization can be hard to find. For a senior who doesn’t drive and lives alone, social interaction can…


Helping Hands

At Senior Lifestyle, we know that volunteers are the backbone of every community. They provide unique talents and perspectives, selflessly sharing time and energy for the benefit of others. During National Volunteer Week we celebrate…

sitting ladies

National Healthcare Decisions Day

For many families, a conversation about advanced care planning doesn’t happen until a health crisis occurs, leaving family members unsure of their loved one’s wishes. While this conversation can be difficult, it is an important one. At Senior…

on a walk with granddaughter

Parkinson’s Disease

April is Parkinson’s disease Awareness Month, and at Senior Lifestyle we’d like to take the opportunity to share information about the disease, its symptoms and treatments. According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, about a million people…


The Longest Day

Time flies when you’re having fun, and The Longest Day is all about fun for a worthy cause. Around the country and around the world, teams will participate in events, raise awareness, and donate funds to the fight against…


The Caregiver Crunch

Providing care for a family member is a big responsibility, one no family member is ever truly prepared for. At Senior Lifestyle we often speak with families who are in what we call the caregiver…

Find a Community

For more information on retirement and senior housing options, reach out to a Senior Lifestyle community near you.
