Senior Lifestyle Blog

Notable Guests at Briarcliff Lodge

Notable Guests at Briarcliff Lodge

Briarcliff Lodge has attracted patrons of stature for the last hundred years. It’s one of the most historic and recognizable structures in Westchester County, and it was a destination for New York’s finest, along with…

7 signs of caregiver burnout

7 Signs of Caregiver Burnout

Does your spouse, partner, child, sister, brother, parent or friend require constant care? If so, you’re not alone. More than 65 million people care for a family member or friend. That’s almost a third of…

wearable technology seniors

Wearable Technology for Seniors

Wearable technology like the Fitbit and Apple Watch aren’t just for the young and active any more. Increasingly, older adults are turning to smart wearable gadgets to help them live healthier, happier lives. In a…

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