Constance Camacho | 100 Days of Heart of Caring

Constance Camacho

Today’s nominee is yet another case of a nomination that simply speaks for itself. Constance Camacho was recognized for her heart of caring, but also her determination and her courage as she journeyed from tragedy to recovery so she could serve her residents again.

“I would like to nominate Constance Consuelo Camacho for the Caring Heart Award 2016. Constance has worked at Evergreen since 2000. She worked in the Dining Room for one year as a server before transferring to Nursing. Constance always had a passion for Nursing. As a Nursing Assistant, Constance proved to be reliable, compassionate, flexible and always willing to assist when needed. The residents really loved having Constance as a care giver.”

“Unfortunately on April 2, 2012 Constance was in a head on collision with an SUV while riding her [motor]bike and suffered a traumatic brain injury. She underwent two major brain surgeries and was in a coma for two months. Our community at Evergreen has always been a family…We bought food to the hospital, donated money to help pay for medical bills, and attended benefits to raise money for her care. Once Constance came out of the coma, her journey to recovery began. She had to learn to live again. Things we take for granted like walking, talking, and driving etc.”

“In the beginning of this journey she often spoke of returning to Evergreen to care for her residents while she was being cared for. During a therapy session at the Drake Center, a therapist told her that she would never be able to work as a caregiver again. Constance refused to believe her and worked very hard to prove to everyone that she could do it. It was a long haul at Drake to get her back to normal. This is a new normal with new obstacles, but four years later she is back at Evergreen working full time on second shift. The accident gave her a new outlook on life and she often tells the residents about her time doing therapy to let them know she understands their everyday struggles. We love Constance and it is our honor to nominate her for the caring heart award.”

What an incredible story, and what an outstanding example of a heart of caring. Congratulations on a well-deserved nomination, Constance; it’s truly an honor to have you as part of the Senior Lifestyle family.

This spotlight is part of Senior Lifestyle’s 100 Days of Heart of Caring series featuring nominees from our 170+ communities across the country. All nominations are anonymous. Our nominees represent the backbone of our commitment to our core values: Caring, Honesty, Appreciation, Respect and Teamwork; without them, we could never fulfill our goal of providing best-in-class care to every one of our residents. Join us as we celebrate these caring, passionate individuals and their commitment to our residents.

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