Our services are curated to make daily life a little easier and free of hassle. From our standard services like housekeeping and laundry to our more personalized care plans, our team members is here to support our residents and provide a well-rounded approach to health and wellness.
Medical Practices near Gresham
We are conveniently located within 10 minutes of three hospitals, alongside many primary care doctors, specialists, and pharmacies. Our transportation services help residents schedule and go to appointments, ensuring that the right type of care is always available.
Exercise and Therapy Services
Healthy living includes the mind, body, and spirit, and our caregivers work every day to help residents live a healthy lifestyle. Our community includes daily exercise classes with other residents so they can stay fit and limber. Occupational, physical, and speech therapy is also available to our residents. And when they just want to get the blood flowing, we offer abundant outdoor opportunities for a brisk walk through the lovely surrounding area.
Independent Living
We offer exceptional independent living services in Gresham for active older adults who enjoy the company of other older adults. Upon moving in, you’ll have access to an excellent community of other residents and team members who provide everything necessary for a fun, immersive experience.
Assisted Living
Today’s seniors can expect an active, vibrant lifestyle in our Assisted Living community in Gresham, featuring events and activities tailored to their preferences and abilities. While you will still find opportunities to play perennial favorites like bingo and bridge, the communities of today truly think imaginatively when creating ambiances and programming for their residents.