Stress Awareness Month

Stress: it’s all about how you handle it. When not managed properly, stress is responsible for a host of problems, from gastric issues like indigestion to depression and eating disorders. April is Stress Awareness Month, the perfect time to reflect on how we can better manage stress in our daily lives in order to stay healthy mentally, emotionally and physically. 

At Senior Lifestyle we often meet families dealing with stressful situations, families who look to us for guidance as they navigate the senior living journey. Whether looking for the perfect senior community for Mom, helping Dad downsize, or managing care at home for grandparents, stress is often part of the equation, and while a little stress is normal, chronic, long-term stress is not and it can have quite a negative impact on health.   

Since we know navigating the senior living journey can be stressful and our goal at Senior Lifestyle is to create the best possible experience for those we serve, we’d like to share some tips and stress management habits we’ve collected to help manage stress: 


Be sure you’re getting the right amount of sleep. You can’t manage stress (or anything else) if you’re exhausted. Being rested and refreshed will make you more effective at whatever you do, so get that shut-eye. 


The simple act of putting words on paper gives them power and weight. Creating a record of positive thoughts, things you’re thankful for, and small victories will help to cement those memories in your brain, causing a shift toward more positive thinking, a major stress-reliever. 


Whether you meditate, take a nap, or binge-watch your favorite Netflix offering, take time out to do absolutely nothing. Take your mind off the tasks at hand for a while and regroup; you’ll find that returning to a chore is easier when you’ve had a positive, stress-free period of time to prepare. 


Sometimes a breath of fresh air really is all you need. A change of scenery and a nice breeze can clear your head so that you can return to your task with renewed energy and perhaps even a better perspective. 


An untidy physical environment can contribute to stress. Take time each day to keep clutter at bay, putting things in their proper places. This can be helpful for our mental environment as well: keep negative thoughts and worry at a distance and focus on the task at hand to become more productive. 

Incorporating good stress management habits during Stress Awareness Month can help you manage stress, whatever the source. At Senior Lifestyle, we know that life can be stressful and we understand the concerns that accompany caring for senior loved ones. Our Community Advisers can help alleviate that stress and address any concerns you have regarding senior living, so don’t hesitate to reach out to a Senior Lifestyle community in your area by visiting our website at 

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For more information on retirement and senior housing options, reach out to a Senior Lifestyle community near you.
